Red oak seeds in a very good seed year
Our staff collect various seeds of trees, shrubs and many meadow species for projects in the Toronto and GTA area.
We supply seed to nurseries andĀ groupsĀ that restore natural areas or grow plants for reforestation projects.
We are Certified Seed Collectors, certified by the Forest Gene Conservation Association. We follow the Native Plant Growers Guidelines of the Society for Ecological Restoration, Ontario Chapter.
If you need to have plants grown from this area, call us and we’ll find the seed for you.
If you have a heritage tree on your property, such as a large White Oak, Red Oak, Bur Oak, Butternut or Shagbark Hickory, please let us know if there are seeds to collect and we will come and get them. This is a great way to ensure that the unique original trees of the Toronto area have a chance to reproduce.