Dog-strangling vine taking over a forest in the East Don valley
Parks and private properties are constantly invaded by non-native plants escaping from backyard gardens. They can prevent you from making use of your property as you intended, or make it hard to maintain. See invasive species for more information.
We can rid your property of all of the common invasive species. Most people call us about Norway maples, European buckthorns, Dog-strangling vine, Japanese knotweed, Garlic Mustard and Giant Hogweed, but we can handle any undesirable species.
If you’ve been given an order to control weeds by a bylaw inspector – call us!
Our staff are licensed and experienced. We use the most effective methods to remove invasive plants, including chemical and non-chemical methods.
If you have a large property, we can write an invasive species management plan to guide control work over the long term.
Below is a list of a few of the places in Ontario we have worked recently to control invasive species:
Castlefields Development, Ajax
Fieldgate Developments, Milton
East Don Valley, Markham
Glen Major Conservation Area, Uxbridge
Albion Hills Conservation Area, Bolton
Claireville Conservation Area, Brampton
High Park, Toronto
Huron Natural Area, Kitchener
Waterloo Museum, Waterloo
Lynde Creek, Whitby
Rosedale Park, Whitby
Downsview Park, Toronto
Aurora Arboretum, Aurora
Catholic Cemeteries of Hamilton
Here are some more photos of our crew working.